Monday, January 7, 2008

New Pictures of Lexi

We took Lexi to get her pictures taken during the week of her birthday. We haven't had them done since she was 10 days old! They turned out so cute. She is definitely one of the cutest babies I have seen :)

Remember 1 year ago?

Now she is 1 year old!
My favorite

I just can't believe how big she has gotten in one year. I also can't believe that it has been a whole year! She started walking around Thanksgiving and has not stopped since. She just looks to small to be walking...she is really petite. At her one year doctor visit she was only 17 pounds 11 ounces which is only the 10th percentile compared to other babies her age! She eats like a maniac so she clearly has her dad's metabolism. Right now her vocabulary consists of mama, dada, pupup (puppy/baby), zizzy (kitty), all duh (all done), wassat (what's that-her first words), up, ni ni (good night), na na (food/hungry), ouch, hot, and of course NO, although she thinks it more of a song "no no no". We love to turn on music and dance...she dances to EVERYTHING and she has got more dance moves than me! We are looking forward to this next year with her to see her grow and learn so much more.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lexi's 1st Birthday

We celebrated Lexi's birthday last month and it was so much fun! We rented out our local ice skating rink so friends and family could come ice skate and have cake and ice cream with us. Lexi's cake was so cute and once she realized that she could eat it and it tasted good she dug right in and ate lots of frosting! She also got major spoiled with presents.

Cute cake Grandma Val picked out!

Umm whose birthday is this?

Lexi with all her presents

It was so great getting some of our friends and family all together to celebrate with us. This year with Alexis has been amazing. We love to watch her grow and learn and she is always making us laugh. Being a parent is no easy job but it is completely worth seeing her smile and laugh....we are loving it!

Jumping on the Blog Bandwagon!

I finally decided to sit down and start a blog (hopefully Curtis doesn't think it is as dumb as MySpace). A few of our friends have one and I love checking them periodically to see what is going on in their lives. My plan is to post at least a couple times a month so that our friends and family know what is going on with us. I also hope that everyone leaves comments occassionally so we know what you are up to as well!